WEEKDAY MASS WHEN: Tuesdays through Fridays at 8:00am
Come pray with us at weekday Masses - Tuesdays through Fridays!
No pre-registration is required for weekday Mass. However, you will need to sign in upon arrival. PLEASE arrive early to allow enough time. Doors will open at 7:40am.
We hope to be able to accommodate all who show up. However, if we reach the maximum limit for our church, we will need to close the doors.
The doors will be closed once Mass begins, so please don't be late.
Weekday Mass Guidelines
Below are the steps we will follow to attempt to protect the physical health and well-being of all who enter our church:
Before Arrival - Please wash your hands with soap & water for 20 seconds and bring a face mask for everyone attending. - Gathering Area doors will be open 20 minutes before each Mass. - All other doors will be locked
Check-In - Park in the south lot and enter through the south Gathering Area doors. - Observe social distancing rule while you are waiting to be greeted. - Please wait patiently for volunteer #1 to greet you, gather your name / contact information and verify the following: * You are wearing a face mask that covers your mouth and nose * You are not ill, have a temperature or been exposed directly to COVID-19 in the last 14 days - You will then be asked to wait until volunteer #2 is ready to escort you into the Church. - Once in church, you must sanitize your hands before being seated. NOTE: Doors close when Mass begins to allow volunteers to continue their duties during Mass.
Seating - You may seat yourself, leaving three chairs (6') between yourself and another person. - Please remain in your assigned seat throughout the Mass. - Only the restrooms in the back of church are open for one person at a time.
Mass should proceed as normal, but a few things should be noted: - You must keep your face mask on over your mouth and nose for the duration of the Mass. - Listen carefully to directives and follow the guidance of the volunteers.
Communion - Please stay in your seat until an usher dismisses your pew. - Everyone must leave their pew to avoid crossing over people. If you are not receiving the Eucharist, simply cross your arms for a blessing as you approach the altar. - An usher will dismiss your pew and provide hand sanitizer for you to rub in your hands. - Please follow the 6 foot socially distanced markers on the floor when approaching the Priest/Deacon. - Approach the Priest/Deacon only after you are called forward. DO NOT REMOVE YOUR MASK. - Extend your hands to receive the Eucharist. - Step 6 feet away from the Priest/Deacon, remove your mask and consume the Eucharist. - Replace your mask. - Follow instructions to return to your pew.
Dismissal - Remain in your seat until a volunteer dismisses your pews. - Pews are dismissed from left to right (facing the altar) and front to back.
The above steps have been made in effort to keep you safe. Thank you for your patience and adherence to these rules.